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Text File  |  2011-09-19  |  24KB  |  534 lines

  1. function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  2. {
  3.    return 323 % 511 * 5;
  4. }
  5. var ┬º\x01┬º = -1167 + "\x01\x02"();
  6. while(true)
  7. {
  8.    if(eval("\x01") != 448)
  9.    {
  10.       if(eval("\x01") != 39)
  11.       {
  12.          if(eval("\x01") != 938)
  13.          {
  14.             if(eval("\x01") == 52)
  15.             {
  16.                set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 423);
  17.             }
  18.             else
  19.             {
  20.                if(eval("\x01") == 475)
  21.                {
  22.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 265);
  23.                   continue;
  24.                }
  25.                if(eval("\x01") == 79)
  26.                {
  27.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 131);
  28.                   continue;
  29.                }
  30.                if(eval("\x01") == 210)
  31.                {
  32.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 135);
  33.                   ┬º┬ºpush("\x0f");
  34.                   ┬º┬ºpush(1);
  35.                   continue;
  36.                }
  37.                if(eval("\x01") == 311)
  38.                {
  39.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 210);
  40.                   continue;
  41.                }
  42.                if(eval("\x01") == 75)
  43.                {
  44.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 863);
  45.                   var ┬º┬ºpop() = function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  46.                   {
  47.                      return 323 % 511 * 5;
  48.                   };
  49.                   continue;
  50.                }
  51.                if(eval("\x01") == 534)
  52.                {
  53.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 248);
  54.                   ┬º┬ºpush(eval(function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  55.                   {
  56.                      return 323 % 511 * 5;
  57.                   }));
  58.                   continue;
  59.                }
  60.                if(eval("\x01") == 286)
  61.                {
  62.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 604);
  63.                   ┬º┬ºpush(!function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  64.                   {
  65.                      return 323 % 511 * 5;
  66.                   });
  67.                   continue;
  68.                }
  69.                if(eval("\x01") == 890)
  70.                {
  71.                   set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 579);
  72.                   if(function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  73.                   {
  74.                      return 323 % 511 * 5;
  75.                   })
  76.                   {
  77.                      set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 210);
  78.                   }
  79.                   continue;
  80.                }
  81.                if(eval("\x01") != 521)
  82.                {
  83.                   if(eval("\x01") == 925)
  84.                   {
  85.                      set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 925);
  86.                      break;
  87.                   }
  88.                   break;
  89.                }
  90.                set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 404);
  91.                _global.Console = function(msg, colour)
  92.                {
  93.                   _root.conv.as.SetMessage(msg,colour);
  94.                };
  95.                _global.GIVEQUEST = function(QuestID)
  96.                {
  97.                   var _loc3_ = true;
  98.                   var _loc2_ = 0;
  99.                   while(_loc2_ < _root.quests.length)
  100.                   {
  101.                      if(_root.quests[_loc2_].ID == QuestID)
  102.                      {
  103.                         _loc3_ = false;
  104.                         break;
  105.                      }
  106.                      _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  107.                   }
  108.                   if(_loc3_)
  109.                   {
  110.                      _root.quests.push({ID:QuestID,done:false});
  111.                      Console("Got the Quest \'<b>" + _root.GetQuest(QuestID).title + "\'</b>.","E4C377");
  112.                   }
  113.                };
  114.                _global.DONEQUEST = function(QuestID)
  115.                {
  116.                   var _loc2_ = 0;
  117.                   while(_loc2_ < _root.quests.length)
  118.                   {
  119.                      if(_root.quests[_loc2_].ID == QuestID)
  120.                      {
  121.                         _root.quests[_loc2_].done = true;
  122.                         break;
  123.                      }
  124.                      _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  125.                   }
  126.                };
  127.                _global.GIVEITEM = function(itemname, amount)
  128.                {
  129.                   _root.pickupItem(itemname,amount == undefined ? 1 : int(amount),!itemname.name ? _root.GetItemByName(itemname).type : "wepn");
  130.                   Console("Got <b>" + (!itemname.name ? (!itemname.title ? itemname : itemname.title) : itemname.name) + "</b> x" + (amount == undefined ? 1 : int(amount)),"00cc66");
  131.                };
  132.                _global.GIVEPLOTITEM = function(itemname)
  133.                {
  134.                   if(_root.plotVars.ITEMS.concat == undefined)
  135.                   {
  136.                      _root.plotVars.ITEMS = [];
  137.                   }
  138.                   _root.plotVars.ITEMS.push(itemname);
  139.                   Console("Got the Key Item \'<b>" + itemname + "\'</b>.","00cc66");
  140.                };
  141.                _global.TAKEITEM = function(itemname, num)
  142.                {
  143.                   _root.dropItem(itemname,null,null,num);
  144.                   Console("Lost the item \'<b>" + _parent.speech[1] + "\'</b>.","00cc66");
  145.                };
  146.                _global.TAKEPLOTITEM = function(itemname)
  147.                {
  148.                   var _loc2_ = 0;
  149.                   while(_loc2_ < _root.plotVars.ITEMS.length)
  150.                   {
  151.                      if(_root.plotVars.ITEMS[_loc2_] = itemname)
  152.                      {
  153.                         _root.plotVars.ITEMS[_loc2_] = null;
  154.                      }
  155.                      _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  156.                   }
  157.                   Console("Lost the key item \'<b>" + itemname + "\'</b>.","00cc66");
  158.                };
  159.                _global.GIVEGOLD = function(amount)
  160.                {
  161.                   _root.money += amount;
  162.                   Console("Got <b>" + amount + "</b> gold.","ffff00");
  163.                };
  164.                _global.TAKEGOLD = function(amount)
  165.                {
  166.                   _root.money -= amount;
  167.                   Console("Lost <b>" + amount + "</b> gold...","ffff00");
  168.                };
  169.                _global.OPENSHOP = function(shopname, itemlist)
  170.                {
  171.                   _root.selInv = 1;
  172.                   _root.inventory = _root.PCstats_1.inventory;
  173.                   _root.shop = shopname;
  174.                   _root.warez = new Array(24);
  175.                   var _loc2_ = 0;
  176.                   while(_loc2_ < itemlist.length)
  177.                   {
  178.                      _root.warez[_loc2_] = {item:itemlist[_loc2_],amount:1};
  179.                      _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  180.                   }
  181.                   _root.cont.PC.brain.StoreLocation();
  182.                   _root.cont._visible = false;
  183.                   _root.gotoAndStop("_SHOP_");
  184.                };
  185.                _global.OPENFORGE = function(forgename)
  186.                {
  187.                   _root.forgingNow = true;
  188.                   OPENSHOP(forgename,[]);
  189.                };
  190.                _global.OPENMFORGE = function(forgename)
  191.                {
  192.                   _root.forgingNow = "spell";
  193.                   OPENSHOP(forgename,[]);
  194.                };
  195.                _global.JOINPARTY = function(altSpeaker, dont_redraw)
  196.                {
  197.                   if(altSpeaker != undefined)
  198.                   {
  199.                      _root.conv.SPEAKING = altSpeaker;
  200.                   }
  201.                   var _loc5_ = _root.conv.SPEAKING.props;
  202.                   var _loc3_ = _loc5_.PC_STATS;
  203.                   _root.calculateStats(_loc3_);
  204.                   var _loc4_ = _loc5_.level;
  205.                   if(_loc4_ != undefined)
  206.                   {
  207.                      var _loc2_ = 1;
  208.                      while(_loc2_ < _loc4_)
  209.                      {
  210.                         _root.LevelUp(_loc3_);
  211.                         _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  212.                      }
  213.                   }
  214.                   _root.calculateStats(_loc3_);
  215.                   _root.RestoreHPMP(_loc3_);
  216.                   _loc3_.ON_PARTY = true;
  217.                   _root.plotVars.Allies[_loc3_.name] = _loc3_;
  218.                   if(!dont_redraw)
  219.                   {
  220.                      _root.conv.SPEAKING.removeMovieClip();
  221.                   }
  222.                   if(_root.PCstats_4.model == null || _root.PCstats_3.model == null || _root.PCstats_2.model == null)
  223.                   {
  224.                      _root["PCstats_" + (_root.PCstats_2.model != null ? (_root.PCstats_3.model != null ? 4 : 3) : 2)] = _loc3_;
  225.                      _root.cont.PC.brain.lastMoves = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]];
  226.                      if(!dont_redraw)
  227.                      {
  228.                         _root.DrawParty(2,_root.cont.PC._x,_root.cont.PC._y);
  229.                      }
  230.                   }
  231.                };
  232.                _global.LEAVEPARTY = function(nom, x, y, dir, conv)
  233.                {
  234.                   if(_root.PCstats_2.name != nom && _root.PCstats_3.name != nom)
  235.                   {
  236.                      return undefined;
  237.                   }
  238.                   var _loc3_ = _root.PCstats_3.name != nom ? 2 : 3;
  239.                   var _loc2_ = _root.Clone(_root["PCstats_" + _loc3_]);
  240.                   _loc2_.BONUS = {STR:0,VIT:0,SPR:0,AGL:0};
  241.                   _loc2_.ON_PARTY = false;
  242.                   _root.plotVars.Allies[_loc2_.name] = _loc2_;
  243.                   _loc2_ = null;
  244.                   _loc2_ = _root.Clone(_root["PCstats_" + _loc3_]);
  245.                   if(x != null)
  246.                   {
  247.                      _root.addSprite({name:nom,model:"s_" + _loc2_.model,stats:_loc2_,x:x,walkspeed:-1,y:y,counter:"NULL",dir:dir,conv:conv});
  248.                   }
  249.                   if(_loc3_ == 2 && _root.PCstats_3.model != null)
  250.                   {
  251.                      _root.PCstats_2 = _root.PCstats_3;
  252.                      var _loc5_ = _root.PCstats_3.model;
  253.                      _root.PCstats_3 = null;
  254.                      _root.PCstats_2.model = _loc5_;
  255.                   }
  256.                   else if(_loc3_ == 2)
  257.                   {
  258.                      _root.PCstats_2 = null;
  259.                   }
  260.                   else if(_loc3_ == 3)
  261.                   {
  262.                      _root.PCstats_3 = null;
  263.                   }
  264.                   _root.cont.PC.brain.lastMoves = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]];
  265.                   _root.DrawParty(2,_root.cont.PC._x,_root.cont.PC._y);
  266.                };
  267.                _global.BATTLE = function(boss, altMusic, recurring, afteraction)
  268.                {
  269.                   if(_root.conv.SPEAKING.props.items != undefined)
  270.                   {
  271.                      _root.monLoot = _root.conv.SPEAKING.props.items;
  272.                   }
  273.                   _root.cont.PC.brain.StoreLocation();
  274.                   if(boss != undefined)
  275.                   {
  276.                      _root.boss = boss;
  277.                   }
  278.                   _root.playMusic(altMusic != undefined ? (altMusic !== 1 ? altMusic : "boss") : "battle");
  279.                   if(!loadedFlasher)
  280.                   {
  281.                      _root.attachMovie("battle_trans","battle_trans",9999999);
  282.                      loadedFlasher = true;
  283.                   }
  284.                   else
  285.                   {
  286.                      _root.battle_trans._visible = true;
  287.                      _root.battle_trans.ctrl.count = 0;
  288.                   }
  289.                   if(recurring !== null)
  290.                   {
  291.                      if(recurring)
  292.                      {
  293.                         _root.defeatedBosses.push(boss[4]);
  294.                      }
  295.                      _root.spriteToKill = _root.conv.SPEAKING.brain;
  296.                   }
  297.                   if(afteraction == "TALK")
  298.                   {
  299.                      _root.spriteAction = "TALK";
  300.                   }
  301.                };
  302.                ┬º┬ºpush(_global);
  303.                ┬º┬ºpush("SETVAR");
  304.             }
  305.             ┬º┬ºpop()[┬º┬ºpop()] = function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  306.             {
  307.                return 323 % 511 * 5;
  308.             };
  309.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(116)] = function(varpath, value)
  310.             {
  311.                set(varpath,value);
  312.             };
  313.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(117)] = function(frame)
  314.             {
  315.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][┬º┬ºconstant(54)][┬º┬ºconstant(55)][┬º┬ºconstant(56)]();
  316.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(118)][┬º┬ºconstant(119)](frame,1);
  317.             };
  318.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(120)] = function(goneforever)
  319.             {
  320.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(121)] = true;
  321.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(122)][┬º┬ºconstant(109)][┬º┬ºconstant(123)] = true;
  322.                if(goneforever)
  323.                {
  324.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(111)][┬º┬ºconstant(10)](_parent[┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)]);
  325.                }
  326.             };
  327.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(124)] = function()
  328.             {
  329.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(74)]();
  330.             };
  331.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(125)] = function(nom)
  332.             {
  333.                ┬º┬ºconstant(84)(nom);
  334.                ┬º┬ºconstant(120)();
  335.             };
  336.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(126)] = function(lang)
  337.             {
  338.                set(┬º┬ºconstant(127),┬º┬ºconstant(128));
  339.                this[┬º┬ºconstant(59)](lang);
  340.             };
  341.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(129)] = function(effectname, target)
  342.             {
  343.                target[┬º┬ºconstant(108)](┬º┬ºconstant(131),┬º┬ºconstant(130),82000);
  344.                target[┬º┬ºconstant(130)][┬º┬ºconstant(59)](effectname);
  345.                target[┬º┬ºconstant(130)][┬º┬ºconstant(82)] = target[┬º┬ºconstant(130)][┬º┬ºconstant(132)] / 2;
  346.                target[┬º┬ºconstant(130)][┬º┬ºconstant(81)] = target[┬º┬ºconstant(130)][┬º┬ºconstant(133)] / 2;
  347.             };
  348.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(134)] = function(track)
  349.             {
  350.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(105)](track);
  351.             };
  352.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(135)] = function(speakername)
  353.             {
  354.                if(speakername == ┬º┬ºconstant(136))
  355.                {
  356.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(3)][┬º┬ºconstant(137)] = ┬º┬ºconstant(138);
  357.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(139)] = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)];
  358.                }
  359.                else
  360.                {
  361.                   var _loc5_ = undefined;
  362.                   var _loc4_ = undefined;
  363.                   var _loc7_ = undefined;
  364.                   var _loc6_ = undefined;
  365.                   if(_root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speakername])
  366.                   {
  367.                      _loc5_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speakername][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)];
  368.                      _loc4_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speakername][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(92)][┬º┬ºconstant(140)];
  369.                      _loc7_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speakername][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(92)][┬º┬ºconstant(141)];
  370.                      _loc6_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speakername][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(142)];
  371.                   }
  372.                   else if(_root[┬º┬ºconstant(78)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)] == speakername || _root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)] == speakername || _root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)] == speakername)
  373.                   {
  374.                      var _loc3_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)] != speakername ? (_root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)] != speakername ? 2 : 3) : 4;
  375.                      _loc5_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(76)];
  376.                      _loc4_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(140)];
  377.                      _loc7_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(141)];
  378.                      _loc6_ = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(142)];
  379.                   }
  380.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(3)][┬º┬ºconstant(137)] = [speakername,_loc5_,_loc4_,_loc7_,_loc6_];
  381.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(139)] = speakername;
  382.                }
  383.             };
  384.             eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(143)] = function(speaker_)
  385.             {
  386.                _parent[┬º┬ºconstant(144)][┬º┬ºconstant(145)][┬º┬ºconstant(146)][┬º┬ºconstant(59)](1);
  387.                if(speaker_ == ┬º┬ºconstant(54))
  388.                {
  389.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = {┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(66)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(91) + _root[┬º┬ºconstant(47)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(142)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(47)][┬º┬ºconstant(142)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(92)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(47)]}};
  390.                }
  391.                else if(speaker_ == ┬º┬ºconstant(147))
  392.                {
  393.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = {┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(66)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(148),┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(149)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(150),┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(92)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(151),┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(18)┬º:(!_root[┬º┬ºconstant(152)] ? ┬º┬ºconstant(153) : ┬º┬ºconstant(154))}}};
  394.                   _parent[┬º┬ºconstant(144)][┬º┬ºconstant(145)][┬º┬ºconstant(146)][┬º┬ºconstant(59)](┬º┬ºconstant(150));
  395.                }
  396.                else if(speaker_ == _root[┬º┬ºconstant(78)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)])
  397.                {
  398.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = {┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(66)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(91) + _root[┬º┬ºconstant(78)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(149)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(78)][┬º┬ºconstant(142)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(92)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(78)]}};
  399.                }
  400.                else if(speaker_ == _root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)])
  401.                {
  402.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = {┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(66)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(91) + _root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(149)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)][┬º┬ºconstant(142)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(92)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(77)]}};
  403.                }
  404.                else if(speaker_ == _root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)][┬º┬ºconstant(18)])
  405.                {
  406.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = {┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(66)┬º:{┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(76)┬º:┬º┬ºconstant(91) + _root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(149)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)][┬º┬ºconstant(142)],┬º\┬º\┬ºconstant(92)┬º:_root[┬º┬ºconstant(75)]}};
  407.                }
  408.                else
  409.                {
  410.                   _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][speaker_];
  411.                }
  412.             };
  413.          }
  414.          set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 404);
  415.          ┬º┬ºpush("\x0f");
  416.          continue;
  417.          eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(155)] = function(face_dir)
  418.          {
  419.             var _loc2_ = ┬º┬ºconstant(156);
  420.             if(face_dir == ┬º┬ºconstant(54))
  421.             {
  422.                if(_root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(82)] < _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][┬º┬ºconstant(54)][┬º┬ºconstant(82)])
  423.                {
  424.                   _loc2_ = ┬º┬ºconstant(157);
  425.                }
  426.                else if(_root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(82)] > _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][┬º┬ºconstant(54)][┬º┬ºconstant(82)])
  427.                {
  428.                   _loc2_ = ┬º┬ºconstant(158);
  429.                }
  430.                else if(_root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(81)] > _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][┬º┬ºconstant(54)][┬º┬ºconstant(81)])
  431.                {
  432.                   _loc2_ = ┬º┬ºconstant(159);
  433.                }
  434.             }
  435.             else
  436.             {
  437.                _loc2_ = face_dir;
  438.             }
  439.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)][┬º┬ºconstant(59)](_loc2_ + ┬º┬ºconstant(160));
  440.          };
  441.          eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(161)] = function(map)
  442.          {
  443.             if(!_root[┬º┬ºconstant(162)]())
  444.             {
  445.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(163)][┬º┬ºconstant(10)](map);
  446.             }
  447.          };
  448.          eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(164)] = function()
  449.          {
  450.             var _loc2_ = 1;
  451.             while(_loc2_ <= 4)
  452.             {
  453.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc2_][┬º┬ºconstant(165)][1] = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc2_][┬º┬ºconstant(165)][0];
  454.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc2_][┬º┬ºconstant(166)][1] = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc2_][┬º┬ºconstant(166)][0];
  455.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(168)](_root[┬º┬ºconstant(79) + _loc2_],┬º┬ºconstant(167));
  456.                _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  457.             }
  458.             for(var _loc3_ in _root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(73)])
  459.             {
  460.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(73)][_loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(165)][1] = _root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(73)][_loc3_][┬º┬ºconstant(165)][0];
  461.                _root[┬º┬ºconstant(168)](_root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(73)][_loc3_],┬º┬ºconstant(167));
  462.             }
  463.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(169)](_root,[150,255,255]);
  464.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(171)](┬º┬ºconstant(170));
  465.             ┬º┬ºconstant(1)(┬º┬ºconstant(173),┬º┬ºconstant(172));
  466.          };
  467.          eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(174)] = function()
  468.          {
  469.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(27)][┬º┬ºconstant(176)][┬º┬ºconstant(10)]([_root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(66)][┬º┬ºconstant(8)],_root[┬º┬ºconstant(175)]]);
  470.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(55)][┬º┬ºconstant(177)] = true;
  471.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(169)](_root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)],[255,0,0]);
  472.          };
  473.       }
  474.       set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 13);
  475.       if(function ┬º\x01\x02┬º()
  476.       {
  477.          return 323 % 511 * 5;
  478.       })
  479.       {
  480.          set("\x01",eval("\x01") + 423);
  481.       }
  482.       continue;
  483.       eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(178)] = function()
  484.       {
  485.          _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(3)][┬º┬ºconstant(179)]();
  486.       };
  487.       eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(180)] = function(actions, target, freeze)
  488.       {
  489.          var _loc4_ = target == undefined ? _root[┬º┬ºconstant(2)][┬º┬ºconstant(65)] : _root[┬º┬ºconstant(53)][target];
  490.          if(freeze)
  491.          {
  492.             _root[┬º┬ºconstant(181)] = true;
  493.             actions[┬º┬ºconstant(10)]([┬º┬ºconstant(182)]);
  494.          }
  495.          var _loc2_ = 0;
  496.          while(_loc2_ < actions[┬º┬ºconstant(7)])
  497.          {
  498.             _loc4_[┬º┬ºconstant(55)][┬º┬ºconstant(183)][┬º┬ºconstant(10)](actions[_loc2_]);
  499.             _loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
  500.          }
  501.       };
  502.    }
  503.    set("\x01",eval("\x01") - 409);
  504.    ┬º┬ºpush(true);
  505.    continue;
  506.    eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(184)] = function(area, x, y, warp)
  507.    {
  508.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(185)] = false;
  509.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(186)] = [x,y];
  510.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(187)] = area;
  511.       if(warp)
  512.       {
  513.          _root[┬º┬ºconstant(188)]();
  514.          _root[┬º┬ºconstant(189)] = true;
  515.       }
  516.       else
  517.       {
  518.          _root[┬º┬ºconstant(122)][┬º┬ºconstant(109)][┬º┬ºconstant(123)] = true;
  519.       }
  520.    };
  521.    eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(190)] = function(cutscene)
  522.    {
  523.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(185)] = false;
  524.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(187)] = cutscene;
  525.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(122)][┬º┬ºconstant(109)][┬º┬ºconstant(123)] = true;
  526.       _root[┬º┬ºconstant(122)][┬º┬ºconstant(109)][┬º┬ºconstant(191)] = true;
  527.    };
  528.    eval(┬º┬ºconstant(0))[┬º┬ºconstant(192)] = function()
  529.    {
  530.       return _root[┬º┬ºconstant(47)][┬º┬ºconstant(76)].substr(7,1);
  531.    };
  532.    break;
  533. }